What I tell you in the dark, tell in the light, and what you hear in your ears, proclaim on the roofs Mt 10:27
Nothingless (artist name of Filippo Rossi) is a disciple of Jesus. He is Italian but his true citizenship is in the heavenly Jerusalem and he is a stranger and pilgrim on earth. He is a son, brother, grandson, nephew, cousin, brother-in-law, uncle, friend, a theologian, songwriter, guitarist, blogger, music producer. His passion for music dates back to his childhood and he has recently entered the world of Contemporary Christian Music, publishing his songs as an independent artist. He trained musically at the Diapason School of Music in Siena, his hometown, with the guitarist Alberto Mattei, and later with Fabio Pianigiani, author of many Gianna Nannini’s hits. He has also participated in the Summer Seminars of Siena Jazz, in the second edition of the Sanremo Christian Music Festival and represented Israel in the first edition of the EuroChristianMusicFestival. With his musical activity and on the web he wants to transmit his love for God and men and a ray of divine light to his brothers and sisters.
In this website he will share his inspirational reflections on the Word of God, accompanied by images of the Holy Places where everything has happened, his musical creations, mostly Contemporary Christian Worship Music (but not limited to that), opinions, stories.
Nothingless -written as one word- is a rarely used English adjective and means “insignificant”, “non-existent”. Filippo chose this nickname to obey the commandment of humility present throughout the Gospel:
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven Mt 5:3; For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted Lk 18:14
I have done everything I can to keep this site free of any advertising and image that might disturb you. Everything here is free.
You can contact me at this e–mail:
about Bible quotes:
I love to translate the Bible from its original languages (I hold a Theology degree). I manage to translate from the Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, Latin and Syriac (Aramaic), ancient texts of the Bible.
“To translate is always a little to betray”, says a proverb. I love literal translations and sometimes the quotes you find in this sites may sound odd to you, but are more literal translations from the original texts.
For example, in the above quote of Mt 10:27 “hear in your ears” is what is said in the Aramaic and Greek version (ear, singular, says the Greek version) of the Gospel. Most contemporary versions chose to render this with “whispered” which sounds better in English, but doesn’t show to the modern reader the original text. The Greek version uses 2 different verbs “to say” and “to tell’, but the most ancient Aramaic (Syriac) version uses only one verb “to tell” in both phrases and doesn’t distinguish “to say” or “to tell”, and this is probably how were the real words Jesus said. Most versions have “housetops”, but the original Greek and Aramaic versions have “roofs”.
I’ll try my best, but I am not a native English speaker and it’s possible you’ll find errors in this site.
I am extremely happy to receive comments and to dialogue with anyone.
For further explanations: Tell in the light